The color masterbatch, that is additionally referred to as color concentrate, will essentially be designed to deliver any specific color the colour spectrum. Once the pigments are selected, they’re amalgamated along and fused via a heating method in an exceedingly carrier organic compound. when the masterbatch cools off, it’s divided into little granular pellets, packaged and send to the plastic manufacturer.
Adex is the most experienced producer of Colored Masterbatch in Rajkot, Gujarat.
The products we manufacture should particularly conform to these standards.
Fulfilling the need for new color varieties by accomplishing acceptable outcomes is identified with the sample process.
Adex can finish this stage quickly because of the expertise, experience and enormous color varieties it has.
New color varieties are observed by qualified staff.
In contrast with standard plastics, coloring technical plastics, and engineering plastics is a substantially more fragile process. Adex has obtained a genuine measure of involvement in this field. The assumptions from Masterbatch quality in these applications are a lot higher.





