Additive Masterbatches

Manufacturer of High Quality Masterbatches

Additive Masterbatches adds value to plastic manufacturing processes and provide qualification to the end product.

The principle items in this item range :

ANTIBLOCK ADDITIVES : by making space between the polyolefin films it abstains from staying and hindering inside layers.

ANTIMICROBIAL ADDITIVES : prevents development of microorganisms like microbes and parasites on the polymer.

SLIP ADDITIVES : giving the polyolefin films slipping on to one another and drives them to be opened in legitimate structure.

ANTISTATIC ADDITIVES : prevents the static electricity storage on the surface of plastic.

FIRE RESISTENT ADDITIVES : prevents ignition of plastic or regardless of whether in acknowledgment of fire abstains from advancing.

UV STABILIZER & ABSORBER ADDITIVES : postpones the debasement of polymer’s design and appearance by the impact of UV because of its level of use.

ANTIOXIDANT ADDITIVES : postpones the defilement of polymer’s construction and appearance by the impact of OXYGEN and UV because of its level of utilization.

PROCESSING AID ADDITIVES : gives energy saving and surface perfection by making impact on the outside of apparatus while preparing the polymer.

OPTICAL BRIGHTNESS ADDITIVES : gives brilliance and whiteness when the whiteness of plastic isn’t adequately adequate.

LASER MARKING ADDITIVES : gives certain outcomes while denoting the plastic by laser.

OXO-BIODEGRADABLE INGREDIENTS : empowers the final product to dissolve in the nature more in polyolefin plastics in which are utilized by speeding up the photo and thermo-oxidative debasements resulting from sunlight and temperature.

Applications of Additive Masterbatches

Optical Brighteners (PE, PP, PET)

Optical Brighteners (PE, PP, PET)

Polymer Processing Aid Masterbatches

Polymer Processing Aid Masterbatches

Slip Agent

Slip Agent

Anti Static

Anti Static

Anti Oxidants

Anti Oxidants



Anti Moisture

Anti Moisture



Adex Polyblend